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Sunday, 10 November 2019

Yes, I Am The Daughter of A Bar Dancer | Sheetal Jain | Josh Talks

Yes, I Am The Daughter of A Bar Dancer | Sheetal Jain | Josh Talks


Life of a sex worker in India is full of criticism and shame. This intriguing talk focuses upon the life of a sex worker's daughter and how she rises from shame to pride. From being ridiculed to inspiring millions. The message of this talk is simple, that purpose and ideas have incredible powers and can achieve big feats. This journey of the daughter of a sex worker from Kamathipura bringing a change in the society is an impeccable piece of inspiration. Josh Talks collects and curates the most inspiring stories of India and provides a platform to showcase them. Speakers from diverse backgrounds are invited to share their stories, highlighting the challenges they overcame, on their journey to success and realizing their true calling.

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